Author Topic: Hedgehog in the Fog  (Read 5678 times)


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Hedgehog in the Fog
« on: 15:43:38, 27 Jul 2017 »
Hedgehog in the Fog
(Written by Sergey Kozlov. Directed by Yuri Norstein)

In the evenings little Hedgehog used to go to Bear to count stars.
They would sit on a log and sip tea gazing at the starry sky. It hung over the roof just behind the chimney.
To the right of the chimney were the Bear's stars. And the stars to the left were Hedgehog's.
I'll tell him:
"I've brought you raspberry jam."
And he'll say:
"The samovar has gone and cooled off. We'd better put into the fire some more...what are those called... juniper twigs!"
And then I'll tell him... I'll tell him... I'll tell...
"I wonder," thought Hedgehog, "if the horse lies down to sleep, will it drown in the fog?"
And slowly he began to make his way downhill to get into the fog and see for himself what it was like inside there.
"I can't even see my paw."
But the horse did not say anything.
"Hedgehog! Hedgehog! Hedgehog!"
"I'm in the river. Let the river carry me along," decided Hedgehog.
He took a deep breath and began to float down whit the current.
"I'm totally soaked. I'll drown soon."
Suddenly, someone touched his paw.
"Excuse me," said someone soundlessly. "Who are you and how did you end up here?"
"I am Hedgehog. I fell into the river."
"Then get on my back. I'll carry you to the shore."
"Thank you."
"Don't mention it," said someone.
"Hedgehog! Where on earth have you been?"
"I called and called, but you didn't answer. I'd already gotten the samovar going on the porch, and I'd even set out your cane chair, so it would be more comfortable for counting stars."
And then I thought:
"He'll be here any time. We'll sit down, and we'll have tea with raspberry jam."
"You did bring raspberry jam with you, right?"
"And I've got the samovar going and put twigs... those twigs..."
"Juniper twigs."
"Right, juniper, for that nice smoke."
"And... and... who other than you would count doggone stars?!"
Bear talked and talked while Hedgehog was thinking:
"It's good, that we are together again."
And also Hedgehog thought about the horse:
"How is it for her there, in the fog?"

« Last Edit: 23:41:18, 19 Jan 2023 by gotty »