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JavaScript / Hedgecode E-Mail Obfuscator
« Last post by admin on 14:29:51, 07 Aug 2018 »
Hedgecode E-Mail Obfuscator
(javascript plugin)

Short description:
Hedgecode E-Mail Obfuscator is a simple javascript plugin based on jQuery for obfuscating e-mail addresses on HTML pages, which makes it difficult to collect personal data for Internet bots.

Current version: 1.01 (download)

See also: Hedgecode Javascript Development
JavaScript / Hedgecode Rotator
« Last post by admin on 14:24:31, 07 Aug 2018 »
Hedgecode Rotator
(javascript plugin)

Short description:
Hedgecode Rotator is a multifunctional javascript plugin for display of rotational HTML objects based on jQuery library.

Functional features:
  • Ability to choose one of six types of objects rotation effects: slide, fade, bounce, drop, explode or puff;
  • Presence of visual controls for the rotation of objects: start, stop, next, previous, go to a specific object;
  • Ability to set time intervals for rotation of objects via the options parameter.
Current version: 0.2 (download)

See also: Hedgecode Javascript Development
Humor / Re: Writing Java code with humor
« Last post by gotty on 08:29:00, 14 Jan 2018 »
Doing conditionals:
Code: java
/* 1. Beginner level */
    if (condition) {...}

/* 2. Intermediate level */
    if (condition == true) {...}

/* 3. Advanced level */
    if (String.valueOf(condition).equals("true") {...}
Humor / Writing Java code with humor
« Last post by gotty on 08:09:49, 14 Jan 2018 »
Code: java
 * This program will sort the word "typewriter" in aphabetical order.

public class SortingString {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String s = "typewriter";
        for (int i = 0; i < Integer.MAX_VALUE; i++)
            s = randomSort(s);
            if (s.equals("eeiprrttwy"))
            if (i == Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1)
                i = 0;

Libraries / Hedgecode Snooker Score API
« Last post by admin on 09:44:06, 10 Jan 2018 »
Hedgecode Snooker Score API

Library page: snooker-score-api

Short description:
Hedgecode Snooker Score is an API library for portal, which contains the results of snooker competitions and other snooker information. The library provides a set of entity objects that can be used in client applications (to inform about the results of snooker) developed in Java.

FAQ, Usage

Current version: 0.2
Libraries / Hedgecode AceStream Channel Parser
« Last post by admin on 09:36:35, 10 Jan 2018 »
Hedgecode AceStream Channel Parser

Library page (under construction): acestream-channel-parser

Short description:
AceStream Channel Parser is used to parse live TV-channel URLs from livestream internet portals (such as and generate local playlists for play by AceStream Player.

Current version: 0.2
Maven Plugins / Hedgecode Classpath Maven Plugin
« Last post by admin on 09:28:45, 10 Jan 2018 »
Hedgecode Classpath Maven Plugin

Plugin page: classpath-maven-plugin

Short description:
The Hedgecode Classpath Plugin is used to add the different Java libraries (e.g. non-maven jars) to the classpath of your project.

FAQ, Usage

Current version: 1.0
Hedgecode Portal / General structure of the portal Hedgecode
« Last post by gotty on 08:59:32, 10 Jan 2018 »
General structure of the portal Hedgecode:

1. Hedgecode main page.
On the pages of the main part of the portal the following materials are presented: faq, contacts, develop, donate, license etc.

2. Wiki-portal (
It is a storage of various useful information relating to the Hedgecode development and based on a standard mediawiki engine. There is also a russian version of the wiki-portal.

3. This forum (
The forum that you are currently on. Here you can discuss various issues related to both general topics of software development and specific software components which are part of the Hedgecode development.

4. Libraries development resource portal (
Here are presented various libraries along with source code, API and the latest release builds that are part of Hedgecode development.

5. Maven development resource portal (
Here are presented various maven plugins along with the source code, API and the latest release builds that are part of Hedgecode development.

6. Maven repository manager (
Repository manager with the binary builds of Hedgecode libraries and plugins for easy use in maven based projects.
Hedgehogs / Spring's tale
« Last post by gotty on 07:26:55, 09 Jan 2018 »
Spring's tale
(Written by Sergey Kozlov. Translated by Dmitry Samoshin)

Never before has anything like this happened to Hedgehog. Never before has he wanted to sing and have fun without a reason. And now, when the month of May came, he sang and had fun whole days, and if someone asked him why he singing and having fun Hedgehog just smiled and began to sing louder.
"It's because the spring has come," said Bear. "That's why Hedgehog is having fun!"
And Hedgehog took out a violin from the closet, called two hares and told them:
"Go and take your last year's drums and come back to me!"
And when the hares came with the drums over his shoulders, Hedgehog told them to walk behind him and went first, playing the violin.
"Where does he go?" asked First Hare.
"I don't know," said Second Hare.
"Should we beat the drums?" he asked Hedgehog.
"No, not yet," said Hedgehog. "Can't you see that I'm playing the violin!.."
And so they went through the whole forest.
At the edge in front of a tall pine Hedgehog stopped, lifted his face and began to play the most tender melody that he knew without taking his eyes off Squirrel's hollow. It was called "Sad Midge".
"Wee-wee-wee-wee-e!.." sang the violin. And Hedgehog even closed his eyes, so he felt good and sad.
"Why are we stopping here?" asked First Hare.
"Do not you understand?" surprised Hedgehog. "The Red Sun lives here!"
"Shall we beat the drums?"
"Wait," growled Hedgehog. "I'll tell you when..."
And again he closed his eyes and played "Sad Midge".
Squirrel was sitting in the hollow and knew that Hedgehog is standing under the pine, playing "Sad Midge" and calling her Red Sun... But she wanted to listen to the violin longer, so she did not look out of the hollow.
And Hedgehog played all day until evening and, when tired, nodded to the hares and they quietly drummed, so that Squirrel knew that Hedgehog still stands at the bottom and waits for her to look out.
Hedgehogs / Winter's tale
« Last post by gotty on 14:09:13, 28 Jul 2017 »
Winter's tale
(Written by Sergey Kozlov. Translated by Dmitry Samoshin)

In the morning snow was falling.
Bear was sitting on the edge of the forest on the stump, looking up, and counting, and licking snowflakes falling on the nose.
The snowflakes fell sweet, fluffy and, before falling completely, rose on tiptoe. Oh, how fun it was!
"Seventh," whispered Bear and, having admired the whole, licked his nose.
But the snowflakes were enchanted: they did not melt and continued to be the same fluffy in the Bear's belly.
"Oh, hello, deary!" said six snowflakes to their mate when she was next to them. "The forest still windless? Bear still sitting on the stump? Oh, what a funny Bear!"
Bear heard that someone was talking in his belly, but did not pay attention.
And the snow was falling and falling. The snowflakes more and more fell on the Bear's nose, crouched and said smiling: "Hello, Bear!"
"It's very pleasant," said Bear. "You are the sixty-eighth." and licked.
By the evening he ate three hundred snowflakes, and he dreamed that he was a fluffy, soft snowflake... and that he fell on a bear's nose and said: "Hello, Bear!" and in response he heard:
"It's very pleasant, you're three hundred and twentieth."
"Lam-pa-ra-pam!" the music began to play. And Bear whirled in a sweet, magical dance, and three hundred snowflakes whirled with him. They twinkled in front, behind, at the side and, when he was tired, picked him up, and he whirled, whirled...
All winter Bear was sick. His nose was dry and hot, and the snowflakes danced in his belly. And only in the spring, when the drops rang throughout the forest and birds came, he opened his eyes and saw Hedgehog on the stool. Hedgehog smiled and wiggled with needles.
"What are you doing here?" asked Bear.
"I'm waiting for you to get well," answered Hedgehog.
"How long?"
"All winter," said Hedgehog. "I immediately dragged all my supplies to you, as soon as I found out that you are full of snow..."
"And you were sitting next to me on a stool all winter?"
"Yes, I gave you a spruce broth and applied dried grass to the belly..."
"I do not remember," said Bear.
"You bet!" Hedgehog sighed. "You've been saying that you're a snowflake all winter. I was so afraid that you would melt by spring..."
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