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Programming / Java versions: features, improvements, innovations
« Last post by gotty on 13:35:26, 28 Sep 2021 »
Java 17

OpenJDK 17 was released on 14 September 2021 with fourteen new features confirmed.

List of features and improvements:
Programming / Java versions: features, improvements, innovations
« Last post by gotty on 15:12:59, 27 Mar 2021 »
Java 16

OpenJDK 16 was released on 16 March 2021 with seventeen new features confirmed.

List of features and improvements:
Programming / Java versions: features, improvements, innovations
« Last post by gotty on 20:50:33, 30 Oct 2020 »
Java 15

OpenJDK 15 was released on 15 September 2020 with fourteen new features confirmed.

List of features and improvements:
Programming / Java versions: features, improvements, innovations
« Last post by gotty on 20:13:03, 30 Oct 2020 »
Java 14

OpenJDK 14 was released on 17 March 2020 with sixteen new features confirmed.

List of features and improvements:
ChessHog / Hedgecode ChessHog Scanner
« Last post by hedgehog on 03:21:47, 14 Jan 2020 »
Hedgecode ChessHog Scanner

Hedgecode ChessHog Scanner is a Java library for parsing PGN format chess games from various chess internet portals.

Current version: on development stage

Sources: Git
Libraries / Re: Hedgecode Snooker Score API
« Last post by admin on 06:14:16, 15 Nov 2019 »
Hedgecode Snooker Score API v.0.2 [15.11.2019]:

Added the following features:
  • New functionality for parsing URLs and HTML tags in the string data;
  • Improved output to the console;
  • Added new requests: event rounds and event seedings;
  • Added types of the events;
  • Added header X-Requested-By for requests to;
  • Added MoneySeedings ranking type.
Download: 0.2
Libraries / Re: Hedgecode Snooker Score API
« Last post by admin on 06:08:35, 15 Nov 2019 »
Hedgecode Snooker Score API v.0.1 [02.06.2017]:

In initial release of the library implemented the following functional:
  • Set of base requests: events/tournaments in a season, matches, players and rankings;
  • Ability to sort sets of incoming data by various parameters;
  • Ability to cache some basic request data on the client side.
Download: 0.1
Programming / Java Persistence API (JPA): specification, release notes
« Last post by gotty on 00:30:33, 12 Oct 2019 »
JPA 2.2

The Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.2 was approved on 19 June 2017 in the Java Community Process as JSR 338 (also as JPA 2.1).

List of main features:
  • Add @Repeatable to all relevant annotations;
  • Allow all JPA annotations to be used in meta-annotations;
  • Add ability to stream a query result;
  • Allow AttributeConverters to be CDI injectable;
  • Support Java 8 Date and Time types.
Programming / Java Persistence API (JPA): specification, release notes
« Last post by gotty on 00:25:42, 12 Oct 2019 »
JPA 2.1

The Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.1 was approved as final on 22 May 2013 in the Java Community Process as JSR 338.

List of main features:
  • Converters - allowing custom code conversions between database and object types;
  • Criteria Update/Delete - allows bulk updates and deletes through the Criteria API;
  • Entity Graphs - allow partial or specified fetching or merging of objects;
  • JPQL/Criteria enhancements - arithmetic sub-queries, generic database functions, join ON clause, TREAT option;
  • Schema Generation;
  • Stored Procedures - allows queries to be defined for database stored procedures.
Programming / Java Persistence API (JPA): specification, release notes
« Last post by gotty on 00:04:56, 12 Oct 2019 »
The Java Persistence API (JPA) is a Java application programming interface (API) specification that describes the management of relational data in applications using Java Platform SE/EE.

JPA 2.0

The Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.0 was approved as final on 10 December 2009 in the Java Community Process as JSR 317. The focus of JPA 2.0 was to address features that were present in some of the popular ORM vendors, but could not gain consensus approval for JPA 1.0.

List of main features:
  • Expanded object-relational mapping functionality:
    • support for collections of embedded objects, linked in the ORM with a many-to-one relationship;
    • ordered lists;
    • combinations of access types.
  • A criteria query API;
  • Standardization of SQL Hints;
  • Standardization of additional metadata to support DDL generation;
  • Support for validation;
  • Shared object cache support.
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